Finally in 2016, after years of talking about it, we started our small cattle business. The farm fencing went up a year earlier however, we still had a lot to before the cows came. Next we had a new well drilled, hoping to get enough water to feed a pond in the back pasture and three water troughs for the cows water supply. To say we were disappointed when they went down over 700 feet and yielded only 3 gallons of water a minute, was an understatement. This was an extremely expensive well to feed three water troughs, about all it was good for. Our hopes of having a pond were gone.
We've had good years and not so good years. Their were heartbreaking times and such excitement when new calves were born. Once everything was set up we got into a routine, and the workload lessened. anyone living on a farm knows, there is always something to do, whether it is repairing fencing where trees have taken it down, chasing loose cows out of the road, repairing water trough plumbing that the little calves tore up, etc. We have enjoyed having them here, and have learned quite a bit in the process!