There is always something going on at Logwood Farms. Whether we continue our construction projects around the home, host friends and relatives, plant and maintain our garden, work on hobbies, participate in local town activities, or travel, time seems to go by faster and faster each year.
We love country life and participate in all we can to be part of the community. You can find us at the high school football games on Friday evenings in the fall. The first weekend in May finds us walking (nope, not running) the Hartwell Dam 10K/5K Run along the shores of Lake Hartwell. Come July, at Hartwell’s Pre-4th Extravaganza Festival, we participate with a puzzle light booth creating customized lights for everyone. Last festival we attended took place in 108 degree temperatures!
Dick spends a lot of time on his tractor maintaining our pasture for the cows. Unfortunately, the Kudzu has taken up residence on our property and would cover the entire back yard if we let it. That stuff grows up to a foot a day!
Of course when Fall arrives, our life revolves around GEORGIA football! We go to games at Sanford Stadium, watch games here on the farm, or travel to friends/family and tailgate with them. We are a DAWG family, and college football is our life come September!